Jackson County IL 16+- Acres / Home Pole Barn Hunting Lake / 2958A

This property is 1 mile West of Elkville IL on a blacktop county road. It features a 14 x 70 3-bedroom, 2-bath mobile home, 45 x 48 pole barn and a 1/4 mile of shoreline on a 12-acre lake.
- 3-bed, 2-bath, 980 sq. ft. mobile home
- Whitetail and turkey hunting
- 45 x 48 pole barn
- Rural water
- 1/4 mile of shoreline on a 12+ acre lake
- Fenced
- Parcel #05-18-300-006
- Section 18, T7S-R1W
- Taxes: $722
1283 Elkville Road, ELKVILLE, Illinois 62932
Ended on
How to prepare to bid...
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- Move to the bid screen below and click on the green "Request Approval" button.
- Call the Auctioneer listed for this auction. If you do not, you will not be approved to bid.
- After speaking to the Auctioneer, refresh your screen or log in again.
- Click on the green "Register for Auction" button.
- Accept the Terms and Conditions.
- You are ready to bid. If you have trouble, call Auctioneer Mark Kennedy - 618-924-1747.
- The property will be offered as 1 TRACT, ONLINE ONLY.
- Bidding will be on a PER TRACT BASIS (e-bay style/max bid) with a minimum opening bid of $70,000. Minimum bid increments of $1,000 per bid.
- Bidding opens FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2024 and will be available until 8:00 PM CST TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024 subject to bid extensions (Soft Close).
- If you are unable to bid Online or are unsure about the reliability of your internet connection, call the auctioneer and make alternative arrangements at least 24 hours before the auction closes.
- Property Inspection: SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2024 10AM TO 2PM
- Questions? Call or Text Auctioneer Mark Kennedy - 618-924-1747
Note: All bids are placed Per Tract...