Pope County IL 67+- Acres / Whitetail Hunting Wooded / 2930A

Pope County IL 67+- Acres / Whitetail Hunting Wooded / 2930A

360 Panoramic View

67+- acres in the heart of Pope County IL Whitetail Country.  20 acres open ground, small pond and balance wooded.  A good timber stand that has not been cut in many years.  20 acres of open ground is cut as hay.  This farm is enrolled in Timber Management to keep taxes reasonable, $5.40 per acre. Little Bear Branch runs across the NE corner of the property.  Property is rolling but not overly rough, ATV accessible. Shawnee National Forest and Lusk Creek Wilderness Area lays to the North and partially along the East side. Rural water is available and electric at the South end of the property.

Taxes:  $5.40 Per Acre - 2022 paid 2023 (Parcel #s 02-1-29-026-009 and 02-1-32-030-010)


From Eddyville IL:  Just North of Eddyville turn East off IL Rt 145 onto New Home Road. Follow it 1.76 miles North to Bowed Tree Road; make a right turn (East).  ¼ mile to the property on the North (left) side of the road. Watch for signs.

From Harrisburg IL: South on IL Rt 145 14+- miles.  Turn left on New Home Road; South 1.5 miles to Bowed Tree Road; left ¼ mile to the property on left. Watch for signs.

Bowed Tree Road, Stonefort, Illinois 62987
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